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“With a journey and a vision so profound Warren Jones and Matt Tuffuor are the type of movers and shakers that we need in the 21st century, a duo that didn’t wait to be included in a circle but decided to step up to the plate and provide an exclusive experience to not just people of color but for everyone to enjoy.”
“…[Their Chicago party] was so packed that bouncers stopped letting people in about an hour after the party began”
-Chicago Tribune
“Toasted Life, a networking, lifestyle and event planning brand that seeks to connect young professionals”
-Chagrin Valley Times
“Though uncategorized by definition, Toasted produces events of grandeur that can range from high-energy day parties to a sophisticated nightlife experience to a chill BBQ getaway in Sonoma overlooking Russian River.”
-Upscale Magazine
“Events tailored for those that come from a melaninated background are sometimes harder to find depending on the city you live in… That’s where Matt Tuffuor and Warren Jones come in.”
Full of diversity and cross-market attendance, you can’t deny the care and effort that Matt and Warren put into producing their events.
-REHAB Magazine

Press + Media Inquiry
For Press and Media opportunities please email inquiries@toastedlife.com